Ironbark Zinc (ASX: IBG) has submitted the critical Environmental Impact Assessment for its Citronen base metal project to Greenland’s Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum (BMP).
“The EIA is a critical element of the Feasibility Study and shows that the Citronen base metal mine will be one of the most environmentally sound operations in the world,” managing director Jonathan Downes said.
“We remain focused on delivering one of the largest zinc mines in the world to our shareholders as quickly as possible.
“The Citronen project is currently being evaluated by China Nonferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering and Construction Co. Ltd (NFC) for final engineering and construction which will also see the completion of the Capital Cost section of the Feasibility Study.”
Downes said the completion of the EIA is a major milestone.
Ironbark and its environmental consultant Orbicon AS have worked extensively with the BMP and its advisors over the last three years to ensure that the Assessment meets the highest standards of environmental sustainability and addresses all of the concerns of the regulators.
All supporting testwork including extensive Humidity Cell Test-work, three environmental base line surveys and Scoping Level Environmental Review Assessment (SLERA) has been completed.
The EIA is subject to a final and public review process during the final submission of all elements of the completed Feasibility Study and Mineral Exploitation license application.
Ongoing engineering work has suggested the existing process plant design at Citronen has the potential to treat ore at a peak rate of 3.6 million tonnes per annum throughput by upgrading the primary and secondary crushers at a relatively small additional capital cost.
Ironbark is currently investigating the maximum continuous production rate that could be obtained through these plant modifications, with final processing plant modifications expected to increase capital costs by a nominal amount.
The wholly owned Citronen base metal project currently hosts in excess of 13.1 billion pounds of zinc and lead.
The production target is between 140,000 and 220,000 tpa zinc metal and around 10,000 tpa lead metal over a mine life of at least 14 years.
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